Overall results : 283

Contact person

Contact person Contact person Contact person DISTRIBUTION INSIDE Ina Köster Head of Internal Service   Tel. +49 (0)3 88 51 – 92 103 E-Mail Gunnar Dührkop Sales Export Area North II Bre


History History History What began with salad dressings 40 years ago has now developed into a state-of-the-art company driven by the motivation to offer the highest possible quality at the be

Vegetarian & Vegan

Vegetarian and Vegan Falafel Patty with Carrot Vegetarian and Vegan Falafel Patty with Carrot Vegetarian and Vegan Falafel Patty with Carrot Healthy and sustainable nutrition. Even if we

Creative cuisine

Creative cuisine Creative cuisine Creative cuisine Our creative approaches offer you variety as well as security in terms of planning, costing, freshness and staff shortages. We see ourselv


Consultations Consultations Consultations Most recently, Tobias Arnold held a management position at the 5-star private hotel Grand Elysée in Hamburg with its 3 restaurants, 511 rooms and sui

Partner projects

Partner projects Partner projects Partner projects We are open to new ideas and participate in projects that we think are worth supporting for our industry and beyond. CHEFS TROPHY TRAINING


Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability As a pioneer in German system catering, fast-casual dining and the production of high-quality convenience foods, we try to make a contribution to


Block Menü bietet fertig gekochte, hochwertige Menükomponenten mit Spielraum für individuelle Kreativität. Mit frischer Convenience sind Sie ein exzellenter Koch und ein erfolgreicher Gastronom zuglei


Supplements Fussiloni with prawns Supplements Fussiloni with prawns Supplements Fussiloni with prawns The best thing in the world: our side dishes. They bring vitality and freshness to t


Dessert Butter waffle Dessert Butter waffle Dessert Butter waffle The highlight of every excellent menu is always the sweet dessert at the end. Let yourself be inspired by our sweet deli

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